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Raw strings in Rust

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Raw strings in Rust are a nicely designed language feature. From the O'Reilly book, Programming Rust (emphasis mine):

Rust "raw string" syntax: the letter r, zero or more hash marks (that is, the # character), a double quote, and then the contents of the string, terminated by another double quote followed by the same number of hash marks. Any character may occur within a raw string without being escaped, including double quotes; in fact, no escape sequences like \" are recognized. We can always ensure the string ends where we intend by using more hash marks around the quotes than ever appear in the text.

So, for example:

fn get_docs_link() -> HttpResponse {
r##"<a href="/docs#getting-started">Go to docs</a>"##,

Writing the HTML as a raw string would be less readable:

"<a href=\"/docs#getting-started\">Go to docs</a>"

I think the use-as-many-hashtags-as-you-need rule is pretty clever.
