Folding code blocks in VS Code
CSS user-select
CSS ampersand selector
Writing TILs
this, self, window, global, globalThis, etc.
Blob API
CSS cascade layers
CSS revert-layer
What should I know about JavaScript engines and runtimes?
Mandlebrot set
dot com et al
Raw strings in Rust
Building an intuition for file size and network speed
I’ve been to 37 US states
Serious TLDs
Origin private file system (OPFS)
A malleable garden
cron irregularity
#2 — June 2024
Should I learn Computer Science?
Things I found interesting in Bonnie Nardi’s “A Small Matter of Programming”
Hello, Rust
Listening for webmentions with Membrane
Writing a feedback form with Membrane
Browsertech NYC meetup - March 2024
JavaScript labeled statement
Starting a Future of Coding book club
Interaction to Next Paint (INP)
#1 — January 2024
Things I found interesting in Paul Graham’s “Hackers & Painters”
Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers
What do you do?
Building an email-based course creator with Val Town
RAM is like Battleship
How would you build a terminal in the browser?
Choosing to remember with Anki
Think small
Slippery scope
Weeks of your life
CSS ch unit
HTML contenteditable
Things I found interesting in Richard Hamming’s “The Art of Doing Science and Engineering”
Cultivating emails with Val Town
Cloudflare email routing
The Val Town Button
CSS overscroll-behavior
My next, next, next job
Add search to your Next.js static site with Pagefind
CSS text-wrap
How does search work, exactly?
HTML strikethrough, del, ins
Mac keyboard shortcut for special characters
URL character limit
Silly TLDs
CSS unset
HTML canonical link
Next.js automatically converts PNGs to WebP
Edison bulb night mode
Downloading a 30MB map in the woods
Only the platform