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The Val Town Button

  • Planted:
  • Last watered: makes it really easy to run JavaScript. Their homepage does a better job explaining it than I would, so I’ll go straight to a demo.

Try pressing the button below this paragraph. Each button click triggers an API call to a "Val" I wrote that increments a global counter, which is stored in another Val. So if you pull this up in another browser or device and click, the tally will show up here, too. The Val Town Button is a spin on The Button at Reddit (which, btw, was created by Josh Wardle of Wordle fame—how about that!).

Here’s the Val that persists the count:

And here are the Vals that fetch and increment the count:

Vals are composable, so the getter and setter import the click count from the first Val. And since I made these Vals public, anyone can run them or import them into their own Vals. You can also like and fork Vals, making Val Town very much a social coding space.

Persisting a click count by exporting valTownButtonClicks works ok, but if you need more robust persistence, Val Town supports a number of database options—see Persistence & databases in the docs. The version number of a Val increments whenever you update and save. In this case, mutating valTownButtonClicks automatically versions up that Val. Because I’m using a vanilla Val for my counter, writes are not atomic, so consecutive calls to increment in a short time span will create a race condition that yields just one tally but multiple version changes.

I could also consolidate the getter and setter into a single handler, maybe even using a framework like Hono like I did for my email subscription Val (probably overkill here, though).

I set up an interval to poll the fetcher Val every second, clearing the interval when the button is out of the viewport (using IntersectionObserver), or when you navigate away from the browser tab, or after 10 seconds of inactivity (no mousemoves, clicks, or scrolling). The API call fired on click is also debounced to avoid spamming the server, plus rapid requests would create a race condition as mentioned above, anyway.

Val for _

The Val Town Button above is more of a contrived example / social experiment, but you can build all sorts of stuff with Vals. My primary use case so far has been custom email reminder cron jobs, which are super handy. pomdtr just built a mini hosted blog Val. hurricanenate built a web scraper to email him when Sea Light Swizzles are back in stock.

The docs have a bunch of cool ideas to get your wheels turning, and is a good way to keep tabs on neat Vals. The VT Discord server is also good fun, and the team is super responsive there.

Building in Val Town

Val Town is just so fun. I hope it becomes a scalable, production-ready backend and that Vals become web primitives like Tweets and GitHub repos, but right now it is definitely just plain fun. The early I-don’t-know-quite-what-this-is-yet stage has a certain magic. I heard Steve Krouse (Val Town founder) say on a podcast that the 3-person VT team drops all product work on Thursdays and hacks on Vals. That reminded me of this passage in The Dream Machine about Xerox PARC:

"Don’t just invent the future; go live in it"...whatever you build, use it. In fact, get everybody in PARC to use it. Get them pounding on the technology every day, writing reports, writing programs, sending E-mail—anything and everything, so they can see for themselves what the problems and possibilities are. And then use what they learn to build better technology.

And btw, if you do like podcasts, Steve has been on the circuit this year—the VT About page lists a handful of episodes (including my two favorite web dev podcasts, and Those conversations are pretty fascinating, both about Val Town’s vision and programming broadly.

